Sunday, November 15, 2020

ASSASSINS CREED 4 : Black Flag : Case study

 Complete a written case study of the game focusing on all of these elements, using the information from the  video links and websites.


Ownership and Franchise

Give summary of company who owns the product and a summary of the  history of the Assassins Creed franchise : focus on key narrative elements, genre, recurring themes and USP of franchise as well as range of consoles and individual games in franchise. 

Maximising income

Other ways the franchise  has to maximise income for the producers and increase the audience ?
 Links to other media e.g film/TV and any physical merchandise ?


When was the game released in different formats  and was it a global release ? Was it released in physical and online form ? 

Marketing and Advertising 

How was game advertised ( trailers,posters, articles etc.) and what elements of the game/format were featured and focused upon and why ?

Maintaining and developing the audience

Are there methods to allow audiences to be more active , such as online multiplayer, in game purchases,  choice of avator , fan communities and other interactive features ?


Summarise the sales of the game , the critical reception on different formats and audience/fan responses and feedback.


Summarise the role of the organisation responsible for regulating the game's content and giving it a relevant age rating.


Summarise genre, avator ( including personas) , world( setting, era etc.) controls, rules  and goals of game,  multiplayer options and limitations . Any representaation issues in terms of gender,ethnicity,nationality,religion ? 

KEY SEQUENCE : We need to understand the game elements and technical codes of one sequence from the game in detail. 

e.g    Long battle and escape ( first 5 minutes )

Summarise the following :

Use and control of avator, display e.g first/third person, graphics, camera movement, gameplay, controls, menus and inventories, use of sound, goals and narrative purpose of sequence. 

How sequence demonstrates changes in technology e.g quality of graphics and sound, size of world, cut scenes, narrative and representation, as well as which computer game elements and audience pleasures have remained the same for decades. 

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